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Release notes
SKML tolerance ranges
In order to create transparancy about the SKML tolerance ranges to all participants, we have tabulated these ranges for all analytes of all our schemes.
In the MUSE manual you can read how the tolerance ranges are used to translate your performance into sigma values and finally into a score.
For each analyte we present the total allowable error (TEa) tolerance range and the state of the art (SA) tolerance range. We also indicate the rationale for the TEa. This can be: clinical decision limits, biological variation, or defined by legislation. How state of the art field is defined is described in the MUSE manual.
For both TEa and SA the tolerance levels are presented at the evaluation level (the centre of a typical reference interval). This is expressed in percent and in absolute units. As can be seen in the accompanying difference plot the TEa tolerance level reflects the width of the green area at the evaluation level and the blue area reflects the width of SA tolerance level at evaluation level.
TEa and SA for different concentration levels cannot be tabulated because they depend on the shape of the tolerance ranges which are determined by the SA precision profile as described in the MUSE manual. The excel file can be sorted to your demand by any desired column. The default sort is alphabetical ascending on analyte by scheme.