PT-INR for oral anticoagulation


6 rounds of 3 samples

Number of participants



€ 638.80
Additional sample set
€ 441.99
Additional cluster
€ 196.81


Supported analytes


Methodelijst PT-INR voor orale antistolling

PT-INRConsensus methodegroep
Andere preparaten Lab analyzers
Dade Innovin (Siemens) Lab analyzers
HemosIL Readiplastin Lab analyzers
HemosIL Recombiplastin 2G (Werfen) Lab analyzers
PT Owren (Roche) Lab analyzers
PT Rec (Roche) Lab analyzers
STA Hepato Prest (STAGO) Lab analyzers
STA Neoplastin-CI Plus (STAGO) Lab analyzers
STA Neoplastin-R (STAGO) Lab analyzers
STA-NeoPTimal Lab analyzers
Thromborel-S (Siemens) Lab analyzers
Thrombotest (Axis-Shield) Lab analyzers
TriniCLOT PT Excel S (STAGO) Lab analyzers
TriniCLOT PT HTF/Simplastin HTF (STAGO) Lab analyzers
CoaguCheck Pro II POCT
CoaguChek XS POCT


KC 1, KC 4, KC 10 Amelung
STA Diagnostica Stago
ACL TOP (alle typen) Instrumentation Laboratory
waterbad Overigen
CoaguCheck Pro II Roche Diagnostics
CoaguCheck XS Roche Diagnostics
CoaguCheck XS-Pro Roche Diagnostics
Coasys Plus c Roche Diagnostics
Cobas t 511 Roche Diagnostics
Cobas t 711 Roche Diagnostics
Sysmex CA-/Cs systemen (alle typen) Sysmex
Sysmex CN systeem Sysmex

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