Immunological and Molecular Celdiagnostics
The members of the board of the Immunological and Molecular Cell Diagnostics section are nominated by the College of Medical Immunologists (IMC) or the Dutch Association for Immunology (NVVI).
- BCR::ABL1 and AML Translocation Identification
- BCR::ABL1 Kinase Domain Variant (Mutation) Status
- BCR::ABL1 Major Quantification
- BCR::ABL1 Minor Quantification
- Bonemarrow morphology
- CD34
- Chimerism
- Fetomaternal transfusion
- Leukemia/Lymphoma typing
- Lymphocyte subsets BAL
- Lymphocytes Subsets
- Measurable Residual Disease for AML by Mol. Meth.
- MPN molecular diagnostics
- Mutation screening and NGS in hemat. malignancy
- PNH diagnostics