Maag / Lever antistoffen
De rondzending betreft de serologische diagnostiek die wordt gebruikt bij orgaanspecifieke autoimuunziekten van de maag en lever zoals pernicieuze anemie, autoimmuun hepatitis, primaire billiaire cirrose.
Serummonsters dienen getest te worden op autoantistoffen tegen pariëtale cellen, intrinsic factor, glad spier en mitochondriën.
De resultaten dienen (semi) kwantitatief te worden uitgeslagen in titers, ratio's of eenheden met vermelding van grenswaarden. Tevens dient een interpretatie positief, dubieus of negatief te worden gegeven. Bij ieder monster zit een korte beschrijving met klinische achtergronden.
Serummonsters dienen getest te worden op autoantistoffen tegen pariëtale cellen, intrinsic factor, glad spier en mitochondriën.
De resultaten dienen (semi) kwantitatief te worden uitgeslagen in titers, ratio's of eenheden met vermelding van grenswaarden. Tevens dient een interpretatie positief, dubieus of negatief te worden gegeven. Bij ieder monster zit een korte beschrijving met klinische achtergronden.
dr. L.E. Bakker-Jonges (Coördinator)Frequentie
1 rondes van 9 monstersAantal deelnemers
€ 220,10
Extra monsterset
€ 160,33
Extra cluster
€ 59,77
Bepalingen die ondersteund worden:
autoantistoffen tegen pariëtale cellen, antistofen tegen intrinsic factor, antistoffen tegen glad spier en antistoffen tegen mitochondriën.
Deze rondzending wordt elektronisch verwerkt en gerapporteerd (QBase).
Ondersteunde bepalingen
antistoffen tegen gladde spier cel |
antistoffen tegen Intrinsic factor |
antistoffen tegen mitochondriën |
antistoffen tegen pariëtale cel |
Methodelijst Maag / Lever antistoffen
antistoffen tegen gladde spier cel | Consensus methodegroep |
Agglutinatie | Overall |
Delfia | Overall |
ELISA | Overall |
FEIA Phadia | Overall |
Home made assay | Overall |
IIF software ondersteund | Overall |
IIF visueel | Overall |
Immunoblot | Overall |
Luminescentie | Overall |
Multiplex bead array | Overall |
Nefelometrisch | Overall |
Overig | Overall |
Radioimmunoassay (RIA) | Overall |
Turbidimetrisch | Overall |
antistoffen tegen Intrinsic factor | Consensus methodegroep |
Agglutinatie | Overall |
Delfia | Overall |
ELISA | Overall |
FEIA Phadia | Overall |
Home made assay | Overall |
Immunoblot | Overall |
Luminescentie | Overall |
Multiplex bead array | Overall |
Nefelometrisch | Overall |
Overig | Overall |
Radioimmunoassay (RIA) | Overall |
Turbidimetrisch | Overall |
antistoffen tegen mitochondriën | Consensus methodegroep |
Agglutinatie | Overall |
Delfia | Overall |
ELISA | Overall |
FEIA Phadia | Overall |
Home made assay | Overall |
IIF software ondersteund | Overall |
IIF visueel | Overall |
Immunoblot | Overall |
Luminescentie | Overall |
Multiplex bead array | Overall |
Nefelometrisch | Overall |
Overig | Overall |
Radioimmunoassay (RIA) | Overall |
Turbidimetrisch | Overall |
antistoffen tegen pariëtale cel | Consensus methodegroep |
Agglutinatie | Overall |
Delfia | Overall |
ELISA | Overall |
FEIA Phadia | Overall |
Home made assay | Overall |
IIF software ondersteund | Overall |
IIF visueel | Overall |
Immunoblot | Overall |
Luminescentie | Overall |
Multiplex bead array | Overall |
Nefelometrisch | Overall |
Overig | Overall |
Radioimmunoassay (RIA) | Overall |
Turbidimetrisch | Overall |
Apparaat | Fabrikant |
Abbot Architect Ci8200 | Abbott |
Abbott Aeroset | Abbott |
Abbott Architect | Abbott |
Abbott Architect C 16000 | Abbott |
Abbott Architect C 8000 | Abbott |
Abbott Architect I 2000 | Abbott |
Abbott AxSym | Abbott |
Abbott TDX/IMX | Abbott |
Access / DxI | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Array 360 | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Array Protein System | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Capill. Electroforese | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Immage | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Immage 800 | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman LX-20 | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Lxi 725 | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Paragon | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman Synchron | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman UniCel DxC 600 | Beckman-Coulter |
Beckman UniCel DxC 800 | Beckman-Coulter |
Behring Dimension RxL | Behring |
Behring Olympus AU400 | Behring |
Behring TurbiTimer | Behring |
EVOLIS | Bio-Rad |
VIDAS | bioMérieux |
Eti-max | Diasorin |
ETI-MAX 3000 | Diasorin |
LIAison | Diasorin |
Electronucleonics ACE | Electro Nucleonics |
Euroimmun Analyzer I | Euroimmun |
Hycor | Goffin Meyvis |
Olympus AU2700 | Goffin Meyvis |
Olympus AU400 | Goffin Meyvis |
Olympus AU600 | Goffin Meyvis |
Helena | Helena |
Helena REP | Helena |
Helena SAS-MX | Helena |
I.L. I-Lab | Instrumentation Laboratory |
I.L. I-Lyte | Instrumentation Laboratory |
I.L. ILAB900 | Instrumentation Laboratory |
Zenit RA | Menarini Diagnostics |
Merck AU510 | Merck |
Advantage | Nichols |
Alegria, Orgentec | Orgentec diagnostics |
Vitros 250 | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics |
Vitros 5,1 FS | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics |
Vitros 550 | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics |
Vitros 5600 | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics |
Vitros 750 | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics |
Vitros 950 | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics |
Vitros ECI | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics |
Geen | Overigen |
Overigen / Not specified | Overigen |
Arcus, Delfia | Perkin Elmer |
Perkin Elmer HPLC | Perkin Elmer |
ImmunoCAP 100 | Phadia |
ImmunoCAP 250 | Phadia |
Elecsys | Roche Diagnostics |
Keysys | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cardiac Reader | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cobas 6000 | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cobas 8000 | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cobas C111 | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cobas Core | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cobas Fara | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cobas Integra | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Cobas Mira (plus) | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Elecsys | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Hitachi 911 | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Hitachi 912 | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Hitachi 917 | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Hitachi ES600/ES700 | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche integra | Roche Diagnostics |
Roche Modular | Roche Diagnostics |
Sebia Capillarys | Sebia |
Sebia Hydrasys | Sebia |
ACA | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
ADVIA 1200 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
ADVIA 1650 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
ADVIA 1800 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
ADVIA 2400 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
ADVIA Centaur | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Behring BN-II | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Behring BNA/BN100 Turbidimeter | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
BN ProSpec | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Ciba-Corning Express 550 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Dimension (RxL / MAX / Xpand) | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Dimension VISTA | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Immulite 2000 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Immulite 2500 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Immulite One | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Milenia | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
RA/DPA1 | Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics |
Linx 30 | Thermo Clinical Labsystems |
HPLC Thermo | Thermo Electron Corporation |
Vitatron fotometer | Varian |
HPLC Waters | WAKO |
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