Exantheem Ziekten Diagnostiek

Er wordt 1 rondzending per jaar verzorgd, bestaande uit 4 serummonsters voor mazelen, rubella, parvovirus B19 en HSV/VZV diagnostiek.


1 rondes van 4 monsters

Aantal deelnemers



€ 184,36


Deze rondzending bevat, één of meerdere keren per jaar, een casus.
De resultaten worden, niet herleidbaar naar deelnemers, besproken (geëvalueerd) in een vakinhoudelijke bespreking.


Deze rondzending wordt elektronisch verwerkt en gerapporteerd (QBase).

Ondersteunde bepalingen

Herpes simplex antistoffen
Herpes simplex IgG
Herpes simplex IgM
Herpes simplex type 2 IgG
Herpes simplex type 2 IgM
Mazelen antistoffen
Mazelen IgG
Mazelen IgM
Parvovirus B19 IgG
Parvovirus B19 IgM
Rubella IgG
Rubella IgM
Varicella zoster antistoffen
Varicella zoster IgG
Varicella zoster IgM

Methodelijst Exantheem Ziekten Diagnostiek

Herpes simplex antistoffenConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
CBR Virion/Serion Overall
Herpes simplex IgGConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
Home-made EIA Overall
IFA Agnos/Zeus Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
IFA Meridian Overall
IFA Virion/Serion Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Virion/Serion EIA Overall
Herpes simplex IgMConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
Home-made EIA Overall
IFA Agnos/Zeus Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
IFA Meridian Overall
IFA Virion/Serion Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Virion/Serion EIA Overall
Herpes simplex type 2 IgGConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Herpes simplex type 2 IgMConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
HHV-6 IgGConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
HHV-6 IgMConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
MazelenConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
Agglutinatie Overall
Complement bindings test Overall
Directe immuunfluorescentie Overall
Dotblot Overall
ELISA / EIA Overall
Haemagglutinatie Overall
Haemagglutinatie inhibitie Overall
Immunoassay automaat Overall
Immunoblottest Overall
Indirecte immuunfluorescentie Overall
Inhibitie / neutralisatietest Overall
Line immuno assay Overall
Nefelometrie / immunoturbidimetrie Overall
Radio immuno assay Overall
Western (immuno-) blot Overall
Mazelen antistoffenConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
CBR Virion/Serion Overall
Mazelen IgGConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
EIA Dade Behring Overall
ELFA Vidas Overall
Home-made EIA Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
IFA Virion/Serion Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Mazelen IgMConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
EIA Dade Behring Overall
Home-made EIA Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
IFA Virion/Serion Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Parvovirus B19 IgGConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
EIA Biotrin Overall
IFA Biotrin Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Virion/Serion EIA Overall
Parvovirus B19 IgMConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
EIA Biotrin Overall
IFA Biotrin Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Virion/Serion EIA Overall
RubellaConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
Agglutinatie Overall
Complement bindings test Overall
Directe immuunfluorescentie Overall
Dotblot Overall
ELISA / EIA Overall
Haemagglutinatie Overall
Haemagglutinatie inhibitie Overall
Immunoassay automaat Overall
Immunoblottest Overall
Indirecte immuunfluorescentie Overall
Inhibitie / neutralisatietest Overall
Line immuno assay Overall
Nefelometrie / immunoturbidimetrie Overall
Radio immuno assay Overall
Western (immuno-) blot Overall
Rubella IgGConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
CLIA Access Overall
CLIA Immulite Overall
CMIA Alinity Overall
CMIA Architect Overall
EIA Dade Behring Overall
EIA Diasorin Overall
ELFA Vidas Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
MEIA Axsym Overall
Rubella IgMConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
CLIA Access Overall
CLIA Immulite Overall
CMIA Architect Overall
EIA Diasorin Overall
ELFA Vidas Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
MEIA Axsym Overall
Varicella zoster antistoffenConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
CBR Virion/Serion Overall
Varicella zoster IgGConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
ELFA Vidas Overall
Home-made EIA Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Virion/Serion EIA Overall
Varicella zoster IgMConsensus methodegroep
"Andere" (specificeer bij opmerking) Overall
Home-made EIA Overall
IFA Agnos/Zeus Overall
IFA Home-made Overall
IFA Virgo Overall
Liaison CLIA Overall
Virion/Serion EIA Overall


Abbott Alinity Abbott
Abbott Architect Abbott
Abbott Architect C 8000 Abbott
Abbott Architect Ci8200 Abbott
Abbott Architect I 2000 Abbott
Abbott AxSym Abbott
Abbott TDX/IMX Abbott
Andere (specificeer bij opmerking) Andere (specificeer bij opmerking)
Access / DxI Beckman-Coulter
Beckman Array 360 Beckman-Coulter
Beckman Array Protein System Beckman-Coulter
VIDAS bioMérieux
Quick Step Biotest
ETI-MAX 3000 Diasorin
LIAison Diasorin
DSX Dynex
Athena multi-lyte Luminex
Advantage Nichols
Novatec NovaTec
Alegria Orgentec diagnostics
Vitros 250 Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Vitros 550 Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Vitros 5600 Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Vitros 750 Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Vitros 950 Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Vitros ECI Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
Geen apparaat Overigen
Elecsys Roche Diagnostics
Roche Cobas 6000 Roche Diagnostics
Roche Cobas 8000 Roche Diagnostics
Roche Elecsys Roche Diagnostics
ADVIA Centaur Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Bep 2000 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
BN ProSpec Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Evolis Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Immulite 2000 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Immulite One Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics
Immunomat Virion / Serion

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