
Infection serology

Infection Serology

  • The Section for Infectious Disease Serology organizes schemes to support the serologic diagnosis of infectious diseases. The Section is part of the Foundation for Quality Assessment in Diagnostic Medical Laboratories (Stichting Kwaliteitsbewaking Medische Laboratoriumdiagnostiek – SKML).
  • For profession-related information about the schemes please contact one of the Section leaders. The structure of the Section for Infectious Disease Serology can be found here.
  • Requests to participate in a scheme are handled by the SKML-office (contact information SKML-office). The SKML-office also provides general information about the organization of the schemes, the Q-base system via which the results are submitted and the costs of participation. Invoicing is also carried out by the SKML-office.

Design of the Schemes

  • The schemes from the Section for Infectious Disease Serology consist of serum samples required for the detection of antibody and antigens derived from various pathogens. You can register separately for various schemes. Each scheme consists of a number of samples and takes place one to three times per year. There are analytical and interpretative schemes. For the first, the aim is to monitor the analytical quality of the results. For the second, the emphasis is primarily on the interpretation of the serological results (link to the list of schemes).
  • The schemes are prepared by various scheme coordinators.
  • The material is first analyzed by a number of reference laboratories before it is included in the scheme. In some schemes a short case-history is provided with each sample and an interpretation of the test results is requested.
  • The participants send their findings via the Internet to the SKML; analytical scheme results are sent via the Viralq website and the interpretative results are sent via the QBase computer system. Shortly afterwards the participants receive an email with a link to the report on the scheme. This includes their own results in relation to the other participants’ and the scores obtained. Sometimes detailed queries are also put forward. Responses to these detailed queries are encouraged, but points are not awarded. These queries are intended to provide a record of and expand the knowledge base about diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases for the participants.
  • The evaluation which later follows is intended as an educational discussion of the submitted results and the detailed queries from the scheme.
  • Participation in the schemes is undisclosed. The results from the scheme are confidentially evaluated.
  • The participant receives an annual report of their scores obtained in relation to the scores obtained by the other participants.

Section Objectives

  • The Section aims, via the organization of schemes, to support the participating laboratories in the monitoring of the quality of the diagnostic process in the field of Infectious Disease Serology, from the moment the sample arrives until and including the reporting of the test results and the related interpretations.
  • The Section will analyze and record the test results and related interpretations from the various participants in an evaluation report. Detailed queries regarding infectious disease serology can provide an overview of the performance of and interpretations from the participants.
  • Dissemination of knowledge is provided by presentation of the schemes during the NWKV and Working Group West/East meetings. Additionally a regular session is organized within the NVMM Spring meeting where the main issues within Infectious Disease Serology can be discussed.
  • The Section adheres fully to the Calibration 2000 plan and strives for the development of commutable calibration and precision verifying material for the benefit of calibration and control methods.
  • The Section provides the schemes in the field of infectious disease serology and analyzes and evaluates the results from all the schemes which take place within a calendar year. Based on the evaluations the SKML Section of Infectious Disease Serology can provide advice in the area of diagnosis and/or in-service training of the participating laboratories.
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